Monday, August 31, 2009

Commission to Faith

It's been almost a month since our study ended. I pray that we are as on fire for the Lord, now, as we were then. Let's not let our flames flicker with the passing of time. Stay in the Word. Commit yourself to spending time with Jesus. Guard yourself against busyness and complacency. And remember your commission to faith...

Lord, today I accept my calling
not to perfection or performance.
My calling is to faith.
I have been chosen for this generation.
I have a place in the heritage of faith.
I'm going to stop wishing and whining
and start believing and receiving.
What Your Word says is mine.
I won't let others steal my hope.
I won't argue with a Pharisee.
I will believe and therefore speak,
for You, my God, are huge.
Nothing is too hard for You.
Our world needs your wonders.
Rise up, oh Lord!
Please renew Your works in our day.
I confess the unbelief of my generation
and ask You to begin Your revival of faith
in my own heart.
For You are who You say You are.
You can do what You say You can do.
I am who You say I am.
I can do all things through Christ.
Your Word is alive and active in me.
Satan, hear me clearly:
My Father is the Maker of heaven and earth.
You are under my feet,
because today and the rest of my days,
I'm believing God!
{taken from Beth Moore's 'Believing God' p. 223}

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Here it goes....

Our last bible study session had just ended this summer and our emotions were everywhere. We were in complete awe of what God had just accomplished. Yes, there were other summers, but this one was amazing! Faith was exploding all over, in the lives and hearts of the ladies attending, in the leaders, and in us. It was like church camp all over again, only more "adult".

Not only was there joy and awe and wonder, there was sadness. Would it really be an entire 365 days before we would start this process again? I mean, as God chasers, we are always running that daily race that Paul talks about in Hebrews 12:1-3. But summer...summer is our sweet time. A time, where once a year, we pour out everything in our alabaster jars and serve Him by serving beautiful women from all over who just want to see Jesus.

So I guess you could say this is a product of our sadness; a blog; a way to keep all who are interested updated and encouraged. A place to share our experiences as fellow faith seeking sojourners who want to see God's glory where it resides; in the lives of those whom He has called. So enjoy, share, and be blessed!

Believing God,
Jennifer & Amy